Monday, 2 October 2017

CNC Program Codes

       The list of G codes is as shown below

CNC Program Codes 

CNC G codes
G00 - Positioning at rapid speed; Mill and Lathe
G01 - Linear interpolation (machining a straight line); Mill and Lathe
G02 - Circular interpolation clockwise (machining arcs); Mill and Lathe
G03 - Circular interpolation, counter clockwise; Mill and Lathe
G04 - Mill and Lathe, Dwell
G09 - Mill and Lathe, Exact stop
G10 - Setting offsets in the program; Mill and Lathe
G12 - Circular pocket milling, clockwise; Mill
G13 - Circular pocket milling, counterclockwise; Mill
G17 - X-Y plane for arc machining; Mill and Lathe with live tooling
G18 - Z-X plane for arc machining; Mill and Lathe with live tooling
G19 - Z-Y plane for arc machining; Mill and Lathe with live tooling
G20 - Inch units; Mill and Lathe
G21 - Metric units; Mill and Lathe
G27 - Reference return check; Mill and Lathe
G28 - Automatic return through reference point; Mill and Lathe
G29 - Move to location through reference point; Mill and Lathe (slightly different for each machine)
G31 - Skip function; Mill and Lathe
G32 - Thread cutting; Lathe
G33 - Thread cutting; Mill
G40 - Cancel diameter offset; Mill. Cancel tool nose offset; Lathe
G41 - Cutter compensation left; Mill. Tool nose radius compensation left; Lathe
G42 - Cutter compensation right; Mill. Tool nose radius compensation right; Lathe
G43 - Tool length compensation; Mill
G44 - Tool length compensation cancel; Mill (sometimes G49)
G50 - Set coordinate system and maximum RPM; Lathe
G52 - Local coordinate system setting; Mill and Lathe
G53 - Machine coordinate system setting; Mill and Lathe
G54~G59 - Workpiece coordinate system settings #1 t0 #6; Mill and Lathe
G61 - Exact stop check; Mill and Lathe
G65 - Custom macro call; Mill and Lathe
G70 - Finish cycle; Lathe
G71 - Rough turning cycle; Lathe
G72 - Rough facing cycle; Lathe
G73 - Irregular rough turning cycle; Lathe
G73 - Chip break drilling cycle; Mill
G74 - Left hand tapping; Mill
G74 - Face grooving or chip break drilling; Lathe
G75 - OD groove pecking; Lathe
G76 - Fine boring cycle; Mill
G76 - Threading cycle; Lathe
G80 - Cancel cycles; Mill and Lathe
G81 - Drill cycle; Mill and Lathe
G82 - Drill cycle with dwell; Mill
G83 - Peck drilling cycle; Mill
G84 - Tapping cycle; Mill and Lathe
G85 - Bore in, bore out; Mill and Lathe
G86 - Bore in, rapid out; Mill and Lathe
G87 - Back boring cycle; Mill
G90 - Absolute programming
G91 - Incremental programming
G92 - Reposition origin point; Mill
G92 - Thread cutting cycle; Lathe
G94 - Per minute feed; Mill
G95 - Per revolution feed; Mill
G96 - Constant surface speed control; Lathe
G97 - Constant surface speed cancel
G98 - Per minute feed; Lathe
G99 - Per revolution feed; Lathe